API Documentation
API Documentation
Swagger generated documentation
[ 1 Official links ] [ 2 Swagger Java annotations ]
Official links
Swagger Core is a Java implementation of the OpenAPI Specification, described here.
Swagger Java annotations
Integration in Maven projects
Example of pom.xml to add swagger dependency and generate 3.0 OpenAPI documentation:
@OpenAPIDefinition: To indicate to Swagger that the class is an API to be documented
@Operation: REST method documentation.
info = @Info(title = "Cambyze banking service", version = "0.0",
description = "Services to banking accounts",
termsOfService = "https://cambyze.com/termsofservice/",
license = @License(name = "Apache 2.0",
url = "https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"),
contact = @Contact(url = "https://cambyze.com/", name = "Cambyze support",
email = "support@cambyze.com")),
servers = {@Server(description = "Cambyze server", url = "https://cambyze.com/banking-api")})
public class BankAccountController {
@Operation(summary = "Send the monthly bank statement",
description = "Send the monthly bank statement for the date of today",
requestBody = @io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody(
description = "No request body needed, you have to use the required parameters: ban (the bank account number, ex: CAMBYZEBANK-2)",
required = false),
parameters = {@Parameter(required = true, description = "Bank Account Number",
example = "CAMBYZEBANK-2")},
responses = {@ApiResponse(description = "The bank statement",
content = @Content(mediaType = "MonthlyBankStatement"))})
public MonthlyBankStatement calculateMonthlyBankStatement(
@RequestParam(value = "ban") String ban) {
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